Personal Growth and Development

Making People Who Make a Difference

If Southridge is a school where every spirit soars, then the Personal Growth and Development Program (PGDP) is the wings that enable each student to take to the air on his /her own personal flight path.

The PGDP is designed to help mold individuals who make a difference – and a school that is also an incubator of global citizens. The PGDP sets Southridge apart from other schools – and sets up students for success in every area of life.

The Program:

  • Is rooted in Southridge’s vision, mission, and principles; teaches ethics, morals, and goodness; and aligns behaviour with values.
  • Integrates what happens within the classroom with what happens outside it; the whole Southridge experience is part of cultivating the whole person.
  • Focuses on relationships, experiential learning, character development, skills and leadership.

Character Building in Action

Every child is an individual, a unique mix of attributes and aptitudes, hopes and fears, inspirations and interests. The program seeks to support every student in developing his/her unique self to become a person with the strength of character needed to make a difference in the world. It also supports Southridge’s growth as a caring school community based on respect, mutual trust and under­standing.

The teachers and administrative team at Southridge do their best to balance the academic curriculum – or what happens in the classroom, with the “other” curriculum that takes place beyond the classroom in the arts, athletics, outdoor education, and service learning.